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The Technology Acquisition Process for Hospitals

In the midst of a growing demand for technology hospitals are constantly faced with requests for equipment that are far higher than their capital budget can afford. It is difficult to choose the right equipment, and a hospital must ensure that its capital budget is based on its financial capabilities and its clinical and operational needs. It must also be able to maintain, manage and upgrade equipment throughout its lifetime.

The goal identification phase of the process for acquiring technology is to determine an individual’s requirements. They will usually determine the type of technology that is being explored, for instance, devices with particular capabilities or features, or the style of device that is preferred.

After the goals have been established the detailed description of the process and environment must be documented to assist in choosing the appropriate devices. The features of specialized testing equipment and diagnostic software should be outlined and negotiated and the method that technical support is available.

The acquisition is officially recognized once the contract has been signed. This is the moment when the acquirer’s company ceases to exist as an independent entity, and its employees become formally part of the acquiring company. The specifics of this transition vary, but usually include the conversion of equity to new shares (often being vested over a number of years) and a retention bonus. The majority of these are structured as a cash payment or an additional equity according to the conditions of the acquisition contract.